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General Electric

White Papers// Jan 2003 // provided byGeneral Electric

Edge computing research report 2018: Implementation and investment growing across industries

B-Flow in the Evaluation of Carotid Artery Disease

The direct B-mode imaging of blood flow (B-flow) provides a sensitive, high resolution image of blood flow hemodynamics in real-time, which overcomes many of the limitations of color Doppler imaging. This paper discusses how B-flow is proving to be a clinically valuable adjunct to the standard duplex ultrasound examination for…

Vendor comparison: Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS, and Google Cloud

The following principles have been approved by the board of directors and, along with the charters and key practices of the board committees, provide the framework for the governance of GE. Some of these include: Role of Board and Management, Functions of Board, Independence of Directors etc. All these have…

White Papers// Mar 2005 // provided byGeneral Electric

General Electric Company – Governance Principles

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