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Importing a vehicle from the United States into Canada?

Importing a vehicle from the United States into Canada?

The Registrar of Imported Vehicles (RIV) was created by Transport Canada to administer the RIV program. This web site provides access to information regarding the permanent importation of vehicles originally manufactured for distribution in the U.S. market into Canada.

Transport Canada has contractedLivingston International administer the RIV program.

Transports Canada a pass une entente avec laSocit internationale Livingston inc.pour administrer le programme du RVI.

Le Registraire des vhicules imports (RVI) a t cr par Transports Canada pour administrer le programme du RVI. Ce site web offre des renseignements sur limportation permanente au Canada de vhicules construits lorigine pour le march des tats-Unis.

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