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OpenTTD (64-bit for Windows Vista7810

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Despite its flaws, the game is very addictive once you understand the basic game concepts, therefore I highly recommend any strategists and the likes to try out this game and experience a full blown simulation of growing a transport tycoon. It is also very challenging that you start with literally 0 money and have those you are having borrowed from the bank, which, of course, require you to pay loans on a regular basis, so you must always think of ways to keep your cash balance. Finally, I wish all of you good luck and congratulate those that decide to try out this fabulous game.

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Thank you for the review! Please be aware that any parts of the OpenTTD wiki ( may be edited and updated by anybody who is willing to contribute without any prior approval from the game developers. If you feel that parts of the wiki can be improved, you are invited to do so.

A challenging and addictive game.

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Sid Meiers Civilization V is the fifth offering in the multi-award winning Civilization turn-based PC strategy game series.

Please also note that newer versions of the game (since the time of this review) now also include the Tutorial game script, which guides new players through the basics of OpenTTD.

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Life is full of giggles for Sim Town toddlers, and the good times continue with the latest update.

A challenging and addictive game.

Thank You for Helping us Maintain CNETs Great Community,

Sid Meiers Civilization V: Brave New World

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The posting of advertisements, profanity, or personal attacks is prohibited.Click hereto review our site terms of use.

1) return tuple[1]; return null; function parentHasClass(element, excludedClasses) var hasClass = false; for (var i = 0; i

OpenTTD 1.5.3 contains fixes for bugs encountered since version 1.5.2.

OpenTTD is an open source simulation game based upon the popular Microprose game Transport Tycoon Deluxe, written by Chris Sawyer. It attempts to mimic the original game as closely as possible while extending it with new features. As president of a start-up transportation company in 1950, you have a choice of building rail, road, air and maritime transportation routes to build up your transportation empire. Outsmart your competition by beating them to attractive passenger and commodities routes to become the games highest-ranking transport company by the year 2050. During the course of the game, the player has to build and expand their transport infrastructure. The only infrastructure present on the map at the start of the game are roads within towns, all other infrastructure; ports, stations, airports, rail and depots, have to be built by the player. The tools for building a rail network are particularly powerful and the player has access to many different signal types in order to build a complex and interconnected rail network.



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Play through two new scenarios – American civil war and scramble for Africa.


Technological improvements give the player access to newer, faster and more powerful vehicles. In the case of rail transport, new track technology also becomes available over time, first electrified rail, then monorail and maglev track. In general, newer vehicles cost more money to purchase and to run, and the player has to have earned enough money in the earlier stages of the game in order to be able to afford to upgrade their vehicles. The player can optionally start at earlier dates and play on past 2050, although no new technology becomes available. OpenTTD can be played as a single player, against a computer controlled AI, or multiplayer both over a LAN or the Internet. OpenTTD supports multiplayer games for up to 255 players between 15 different transport companies can be played both over a LAN or over the Internet. Each transport company is in competition with each other transport company, and each transport company can be controlled by more than one player at any time. This allows both co-operative and competitive multiplayer games. Competitive team games (e.g. two transport companies, both controlled by three players) are also possible. OpenTTD is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0. For more information, see the file COPYING included with every release and source download of the game.

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However excellent this game is, it is rather hard to grasp an idea of what to do during the first moments of gameplay; this is, nevertheless, solvable via tutorials offered in the Wiki or online content. Yet it should be noted that a new player, unaware of these support, may have a hard time on their own. Also worth mentioning, no matter how complete their Wiki may be, the Signals part and other rather hard to understand parts should be improved by relying more on graphical examples and, a much better alternative, video narratives or the likes, particularly the Timetables page could be made into a video tutorial since it helps fixing one of the most notable problems of vehicles possibly queueing up and decreasing profit.


The game is very in-depth, excellency in itself as a free spin-off for the original Transport Tycoon Deluxe, while paying due respect to the aforementioned video game, it pushes the features even more by adding different functionalities. Its allowance towards addition of NewGRFs enables a vast majority of great contributors to create extra contents for the game, improving it in a wide aspect of ways. I also appreciated its depth of simulation and the customizability of the difficulty and options. Its support for multiplayer real-time action opens another dimension apart from your usual AI competitions.

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