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What Is AWS IoT?

What Is AWS IoT?

To learn how to connect a device to AWS IoT, seeGetting Started with AWS IoT.

The templates contain variables that are replaced by values in a dictionary (map). You can use the same template to provision multiple devices just by passing in different values for the template variables in the dictionary.

Organizes the resources associated with each device in the AWS Cloud. You register your devices and associate up to three custom attributes with each one. You can also associate certificates and MQTT client IDs with each device to improve your ability to manage and troubleshoot them.

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AWS IoT provides the following interfaces to create and interact with your devices:

Provides message processing and integration with other AWS services. You can use an SQL-based language to select data from message payloads, and then process and send the data to other services, such as Amazon S3, Amazon DynamoDB, and AWS Lambda. You can also use the message broker to republish messages to other subscribers.

To create a job, you specify a description of the remote operations to be performed and a list of targets that should perform them. The targets can be individual devices, groups or both.

Amazon KinesisEnables real-time processing of streaming data at a massive scale. For more information, seeAmazon Kinesis.

AWS IoT integrates directly with the following AWS services:

For information about AWS IoT limits, seeAWS IoT Limits.

Create and Register an AWS IoT Device Certificate

AWS IoT Device SDKsBuild applications that run on devices that send messages to and receive messages from AWS IoT. For more information see,AWS IoT SDKs.

Authorizing Direct Calls to AWS Services

AWS LambdaRuns your code on virtual servers from Amazon EC2 in response to events. For more information, seeAWS Lambda.

Allows you to provision devices using a template that describes the resources required for your device: athing, a certificate, and one or more policies. A thing is an entry in the registry that contains attributes that describe a device. Devices use certificates to authenticate with AWS IoT. Policies determine which operations a device can perform in AWS IoT.

Amazon Simple Notification ServiceSends or receives notifications. For more information, seeAmazon SNS.

AWS IoT APIBuild your IoT applications using HTTP or HTTPS requests. These API actions allow you to programmatically create and manage things, certificates, rules, and policies. For more information about the API actions for AWS IoT, seeActionsin theAWS IoT API Reference.

Attach an AWS IoT Policy to a Device Certificate

Provides a secure mechanism for devices and AWS IoT applications to publish and receive messages from each other. You can use either the MQTT protocol directly or MQTT over WebSocket to publish and subscribe. You can use the HTTP REST interface to publish.

To learn more about AWS IoT, seeHow AWS IoT Works.

Allows you to define a set of remote operations that are sent to and executed on one or more devices connected to AWS IoT. For example, you can define a job that instructs a set of devices to download and install application or firmware updates, reboot, rotate certificates, or perform remote troubleshooting operations.

AWS IoT consists of the following components:

Provides shared responsibility for security in the AWS Cloud. Your devices must keep their credentials safe in order to securely send data to the message broker. The message broker and rules engine use AWS security features to send data securely to devices or other AWS services.

Amazon Simple Storage ServiceProvides scalable storage in the AWS Cloud. For more information, seeAmazon S3.

How to Manage Things with the Registry

Amazon Simple Queue ServiceStores data in a queue to be retrieved by applications. For more information, seeAmazon SQS.

AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI)Run commands for AWS IoT on Windows, macOS, and Linux. These commands allow you to create and manage things, certificates, rules, and policies. To get started, see theAWS Command Line Interface User Guide. For more information about the commands for AWS IoT, seeiotin theAWS CLI Command Reference.

View Device MQTT Messages with the AWS IoT MQTT Client

Custom authorizers can implement various authentication strategies (for example, JSON Web Token verification, OAuth provider callout, and so on) and must return policy documents that are used by the device gateway to authorize MQTT operations.

AWS SDKsBuild your IoT applications using language-specific APIs. These SDKs wrap the HTTP/HTTPS API and allow you to program in any of the supported languages. For more information, seeAWS SDKs and Tools.

AWS IoT Button AWS CloudFormation Quickstart

Enables devices to securely and efficiently communicate with AWS IoT.

Groups allow you to manage several devices at once by categorizing them into groups. Groups can also contain groupsyou can build a hierarchy of groups. Any action you perform on a parent group will apply to its child groups, and to all the devices in it and in all of its child groups as well. Permissions given to a group will apply to all devices in the group and in all of its child groups.

Create and Activate a Device Certificate

AWS DocumentationAWS IoTDeveloper Guide»

Diagnosing Salesforce Action Issues

Using the AWS IoT Device SDK for JavaScript

Setting Up CloudWatch Logs with AWS IoT

AWS IoT provides secure, bi-directional communication between Internet-connected devices such as sensors, actuators, embedded micro-controllers, or smart appliances and the AWS Cloud. This enables you to collect telemetry data from multiple devices, and store and analyze the data. You can also create applications that enable your users to control these devices from their phones or tablets.

A JSON document used to store and retrieve current state information for a device.

You can define custom authorizers that allow you to manage your own authentication and authorization strategy using a custom authentication service and a Lambda function. Custom authorizers allow AWS IoT to authenticate your devices and authorize operations using bearer token authentication and authorization strategies.

Provides persistent representations of your devices in the AWS Cloud. You can publish updated state information to a devices shadow, and your device can synchronize its state when it connects. Your devices can also publish their current state to a shadow for use by applications or other devices.

Amazon DynamoDBProvides managed NoSQL databases. For more information, seeAmazon DynamoDB.

Granting AWS IoT the Required Access

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