Build Greener Energy Solutions with Smart Meter Technology

Boosting Energy Efficiency with Smart Metering

Smart Breathe: Harnessing the Power of Medical Connectivity to Keep People Safe

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Erik Nordgren, Business Area Manager

When deploying new technologies to support your police force, its vital you select a turn-key vehicle networking solution.

Sierra Wireless has more than a decade of experience helping utilities and OEMs build and deploy smart metering solutions worldwide. We offer industry-leading cellular machine-to-machine (M2M) technologies including industrial-grade embedded modules with long life spans, cloud platforms, expert application development assistance and more.EDMIEDMI Builds Industrial-Grade Smart Metering Solutions with CellularEDMI, a global leader in smart metering infrastructure and energy management solutions, relies on Sierra WirelessAirPrime® embedded modulesto connect its cellular smart metering products. The solution is easy to install and maintain, and lowers operating costs by allowing utilities to manage, configure and upgrade metering technology over the air.

Reduce operating expenses by managing manual operations remotely

Vattenfall is dependent on collecting meter information from close to 1,000,000 customers all over Sweden. Flexibility when it comes to service provider is crucial for us in order to guarantee our customers the best services at all time.

As governments and utilities worldwide seek to reduce carbon footprints and conserve energy, they are using wireless Internet of Things (IoT) technologies to transform traditional energy infrastructure into interconnected smart grids. Smart metering is an essential elementand usually the first milestonein smart grid implementations.

Get the latest on innovations, product launches, customer stories and news of wireless applications in the IoT space.

Networking Solutions (Routers and Gateways)

Discover Ready-to-Connect solutions from Sierra Wireless get your IoT project to ROI faster.

Many of our customers prefer to take advantage of existing communications infrastructure managed by a cellular network operator, rather than building out new infrastructure themselves. These networks have proven themselves over many years and provide nationwide coverage in all the markets where we operate.

Build Greener Energy Solutions with Smart Meter Technology

Provide ubiquitous coverage, with cellular networks covering both dense urban and sparsely populated rural areas

Networking Solutions (Routers and Gateways)

:AirPrime® embedded wireless modulesand Sierra Wireless embedded SIMs are designed with low power consumption and are highly reliable, ruggedized, and cost-effective. They are simple to integrate, easy to program, secure, and scalable from 2G to 4G. AirPrime embedded modules portfolio feature also built-in application processors, modems, and optional GNSS to reduce system complexity and save board space. And we provide open-source Linux-based platforms such as Legato®, which accelerate the development of IoT applications for smart metering.

Embedded Solutions: Modules and Modems

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Learn from our expert panel how the IoT is enabling us to track assets we never could have before and how to navigate around the challenges of IoT.

Sierra Wireless has been helping the energy industry capitalize on intelligent cellular connectivity in smart metering solutions for many years. Major OEMs and utilities have deployed our M2M solutions across three continents.

Depending on the metering architecture utilities usedata concentrators, home network communication hubs, or point-to-point communicationscellular technology can be instrumental to successful smart metering solutions. Cellular M2M connectivity helps utilities:

AirLink Manager and AirLink Mobility Manager

How Supply Chain Connectivity Drives Digital Transformation in Retail

Unlock the Potential of Smart Water Metering with Cellular Communications

Technology Overview – Connecting Smart Meters

: Ourcloud servicesprovide the simplest and most scalable way to securely store, retrieve analyze and integrate data to build new value in smart metering applications. They accelerate time-to-market, reduce risk and lower deployment and maintenance costs with over-the-air monitoring and upgrades of cellular IoT devices.

GÖRLITZ Integrates Sierra Wireless® Modules for a Flexible, High-Quality Metering Solution

Reduce installation costs and bring new services to market faster

Recent IoT innovations are increasingly fostering the development of new smart farming applications that have the potential to digitally transform the agricultural industry.

Graeme Lees, Chief Operating Officer

Smart IoT Connectivity, IoT Platform and Managed IoT Solutions

With their rugged specifications to operate in environments with extreme temperatures, humidity, and vibration, AirPrime modules meet EDMIs demands for always-on, industrial-grade metering communications. Sierra Wireless expert development assistance and solutions are pre-certified for carrier networks around the world, allowing EDMI to scale to more markets faster.

Lowering Costs and Spurring Innovation with Cellular Connectivity.

Receive regular updates on our latest innovations, product launches, customer stories, and news of wireless applications in the Internet of Things (IoT) space across all sectors and regions.

Networking Solutions: Routers and Gateways

Lower operating costs by eliminating the need to deploy and maintain communications infrastructure

Improve customer service through profiling and segmentation

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Only Sierra Wireless has a fully integrated device to cloud solution that helps businesses create the next wave in Internet of Things (IoT) solutions as they emerge for tomorrows world.

Networking Solutions, Routers and Gateways

Sierra Wireless provided Vattenfall, a large energy provider on the Swedish market, with communication services collecting accurate and timely electricity meter readings through a range of formats. They needed a new solution when meters supporting remote readings were going to be rolled out all over Sweden. Sierra Wireless solution gives Vattenfall full control of data availability and ensures that all meters stay reliably connected.

Cellular communications provides a reliable connectivity option for smart metering infrastructure, including full IP infrastructure and low latency in 4G LTE. With the ubiquitous reach of modern cellular networks, and the development of LTE-M (LTE for M2M) providing long range low power cost effective solutions, utilities can connect meters easily and inexpensively virtually anywhere. And they can benefit from a proven, highly reliable communications infrastructure without taking on the costs of deploying and maintaining it themselves.

Sierra Wireless is an IoT pioneer, empowering businesses and industries to transform and thrive in the connected economy.

Customer Stories – EDMI and Vattenfall

AirLink Manager and AirLink Mobility Manager

Lower Colorado River Authority Pilots Automated Metering Program Using Dependable Cellular Connectivity

The IOT Opens Utilities to New Business Models

Smart SIMs offer global IoT connectivity to all mobile networks in 28 European countries and most networks worldwide.

LTE-Advanced Pro: The last 4G technology jump before 5G

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Improve forecasting and streamline power-consumption

Smart IoT Connectivity, IoT Platform and Managed IoT Solutions

In addition Smart Meters can enable an array of new smart services to residential, commercial, and industrial customers to better manage their energy usage patterns, reduce overall power consumption and even benefit from new pricing models.

: Ournetworkingsolutionsinclude intelligent AirLink® gateways, management tools and services for rugged outdoor environments where reliability and security are essential. They provide persistent connectivity, location-based services, and remote monitoring to simplify the most demanding smart metering and smart grid applications.

Learn how SmartWitness provides in-vehicle monitoring and communication solutions through their use of GPS tracking and fleet management software.

Making Smart City innovation a lot simpler, less expensive, and more exciting.

Learn how Smart SIMs and eUICCs provide full connectivity and coverage to smart energy meters.

Embedded Solutions (Modules and Modems)

We provide complete device-to-cloud IoT solutions, including:

By submitting this form, you consent to receive commercial electronic messages from Sierra Wireless Inc. such as newsletters, event invitations, promotional and educational content, product update, transaction-related emails, and customer service emails in accordance with ourprivacy policy.

Industrys First LTE-M/NB-IoT Router

Vattenfall is one of Europes largest generators of electricity and the largest producer of heat. Vattenfall has approximately 6.2 million electricity customers, 4.3 million electricity network customers and 1.9 million gas customers. The Group has approximately 31,900 employees.

Iskraemeco uses Sierra Wireless modules in newest smart meters

Simplify micro-generation monitoring and track renewable power

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EDMI Builds Tomorrows Smart Grid with Sierra Wireless® AirPrime® Embedded Modules

Leverage business flexibility, with the ability to use the best cellular network available in any location and the capability to switch operator contracts over the air for products already deployed in the field

Connect your equipment and people. Transform your business with secure, reliable, LTE connectivity.

Embedded Solutions (Modules and Modems)

Gather insights on what 5G technology will mean for your business

Smart metering benefits utilities by improving customer satisfaction with faster interaction, while giving consumers more control of their energy usage to save money and reduce carbon emissions. With power visibility all the way to the meter, utilities can optimize energy distribution and even take action to shift demand loads.

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