Car Scanner ELM OBD2 for Windows 10

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Available for Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 Mobile, Windows Phone 8.1 (ARM, x86, x64)

The Download Now link directs you to the Windows Store, where you can continue the download process. You must have an active Microsoft account to download the application. This download may not be available in some countries.

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See what your car is doing in realtime, get OBD fault codes, car performance, sensor data and more. Car Scanner is a vehicle / car performance / diagnostics tool and scanner that uses an OBD II Bluetooth adapter to connect to your OBD2 engine management / ECU. And its FREE. Car Scanner was inspired by Torque and OBD Car Doctor (PNN software) for Android, and brings best features to Windows Phone / Windows 10 Mobile. Layout your own dashboard with the gauges and charts you want. Add custom (extended PIDs) and get information, that was hidden from you by car manufacturer. It can also show and reset a DTC fault code like a scantool. Now with Mode 06 – ECU self-monitoring test results. It helps you fix your car and helps keep repair costs down. Works on any vehicle that uses the OBD 2 standard (most vehicles built after 2000, but can work for vehicles as far back as 1996). Car Scanner supports all OBD2-compatible vehicles and provides exclusive extra features for some cars of: Opel/Vauxhal/Chevrolet, Hyundai/Kia, Renault, Nissan, Infinity, Mitsubishi, Toyota, VAZ, UAZ The app needs a Bluetooth or Wi-Fi OBD2 ELM327 compatible adapter to work. The adapter is small and plugs into the diagnostics socket on the car which gives your phone access. If you buy one of the cheap chineese OBD2 ELM327 Bluetooth or WiFi adapters from ebay / amazon, then make sure its not marked as v. 2.1. This adapters are supported, but they have lots of bugs. PLEASE NOTE: Vehicle ECUs vary in the amount of sensors supported. This app cant show you something, that is not provided by your car. AND ONE MORE THING: This app is Beta version. It means that it is in development state. Attention bad adapters. We faced the problem, that some adapters (often Chinese one and marked as v. 2.1), cant connect to the smartphone or the car. Some of them can even make your car engine work unstable, often lost connection, increase time lag when reading data. So, we recommend you to use ELM327 ver. 1.4-1.5 and AVOID USING cheap ELM327 v. 2.1.

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0) anchor = anchors[0]; // DWNDSO-3221 addresses the DLNow anchor being clickable before the full // DLNow JS is loaded. The href attr is now data-href. Here we reassign it // to an href attr. var downloadNowLink = selectedElement.querySelector(.dln-a), href= downloadNowLink.getAttribute(href), datahref= downloadNowLink.getAttribute(data-href); // If the element has an href, do not alter it. It is needed for P2P offsite // visit site functionality (redirect to 3055 page and open offsite page // in a new tab). if (!href && datahref) downloadNowLink.setAttribute(href, datahref); if erAgent.indexOf(MSIE) !== -1) if (!offsitePopup) if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); var directDownload = false; var fileUrl = self.getAttribute(data-dl-url); var pdl = getValueFromKey(, pdl, directDownload = (selectedElement.getAttribute(data-noredirect) === true) && (pdl === null pdl !== 1) ; fileUrl = selectedElement.getAttribute(data-dl-url); var pdlParam = getUrlParam(, pdl); var dataNoRedirect = self.getAttribute(data-noredirect); if (self.getAttribute(data-product-id) === 10019223 && (dataNoRedirect !== null && dataNoRedirect !== false) && (pdlParam === null pdlParam !== 1)) directDownload = true; if (self.getAttribute(data-use-href)) callBack = function () window.location = anchor.getAttribute(href); ; else if (!hasClass(anchor, init)) if (!offsitePopup) if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); e.cancelBubble = true; e.returnValue = false; anchor.className = anchor.className + init; anchor.setAttribute(href, self.getAttribute(data-pdl-no-dl)); anchor.setAttribute(onclick, + fileUrl + , dlnow, toolbar=0,location=no,directories=0,status=0,scrollbars=no,resizable=0,width=200,height=200,top=0,left=0);); fireEvent(anchor, click); return false; callBack = function () if (offsitePopup) fireEvent(anchor, click); var pdlRedir = self.getAttribute(pdl-redir); if (pdlRedir != null) window.location = pdlRedir; else window.location = anchor.getAttribute(href); else if (directDownload === false) window.location = anchor.getAttribute(href); else // TODO: remove the init class so redirect excluded product can download again //self.removeClass(init); window.location = fileUrl; ; else if (!offsitePopup) e.preventDefault(); callBack = function() if (offsitePopup) var pdlRedir = self.getAttribute(pdl-redir); if (pdlRedir != null) window.location = pdlRedir; else window.location = anchor.getAttribute(href); else try require([components/downloadNowButton-2.0], function(dlNow) dlNow.downloadClickEvent(e, selectedElement); ); catch (err) window.location = anchor.getAttribute(href); ; om.trackDownloadClick( idlType: selectorIdlTypeArray[selector], softwareId:self.getAttribute(data-om-version-id), softwareProductId:self.getAttribute(data-om-product-set-id), softwareName:self.getAttribute(data-om-product-name), udlSerial:self.getAttribute(data-om-version-id) + getSessionId(), searchSerpPage:, searchSerpPosition:self.parentElement.getAttribute(data-position), pageEventDreClick: selectorIdlTypeArray[selector] == dre_dln_btn_clk? 1 : 0 , true, callBack); function fireEvent(element, event) var evt = null; if (document.createEvent) // dispatch for firefox + others evt = document.createEvent(HTMLEvents); evt.initEvent(event, true, true ); // event type,bubbling,cancelable return !element.dispatchEvent(evt); else // dispatch for IE evt = document.createEventObject(); return element.fireEvent(on+event, evt); for (var selector in selectorIdlTypeArray) if (selectorIdlTypeArray.hasOwnProperty(selector)) var selectedElements = document.querySelectorAll(selector); for (var i = 0; i

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1) return tuple[1]; return null; function parentHasClass(element, excludedClasses) var hasClass = false; for (var i = 0; i

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Car Scanner ELM OBD2 for Windows 10

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