Connected cars The ultimate Internet of Things thing

Introducing the new Watson Language Translator

The things in the Internet of Things is more than wearables or mobile phones, extending to our homes, our carsand beyond!  Recently, developerWorks published a tutorial Bring IoT home: Connect your car to your home, which only scratches the surface on what a connected car means in the Internet of Things landscape.  With this tutorial, you can embrace the maker culture and tinker with using IBM Watson IoT Platform and Node-RED to have your car automatically turn on your lights and air conditioning as you approach home (that is, you enter the defined geo-fence around your home).  Last year, we published a tutorial that documented aconnected vehicle starter kitthat also used the Geospatial Analytics Bluemix service with IBM Watson IoT Platform and Node-RED. Learn and tinker with a recipe that shows how tosend on-board diagnostic data from your car to Watson IoT Platform.

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I create, curate, and commission how-to content for application developers. Im the managing editor for the Internet of Things, Mobile development, and Web development areas of IBM Code. I am a lover of words and wordplay of all kinds, but especially puns and haiku in the traditional Japanese form (not the Americanized 5-7-5). I enjoy curating geeky-cool content for IBM Code, editing the words of subject matter experts and helping authors choose the right words. I also enjoy creating hierarchical taxonomies that help provide structure and promote the findability of all the great IBM Code content.

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Watson Internet of Things- Vehicles

developerWorks TV: Driving cars autonomously with IBM Bluemix (and Watson IoT Platform)

developerWorks TV: IoT and the connected car (at DeveloperConnect India, earlier in 2016)

Connected cars The ultimate Internet of Things thing

More on connected cars and IoT in the automotive industry

In October 2016, you can attendUpshift 2016to hear about how many teams are using Watson IoT for Automotive in their solutions.

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Earlier this year,IBM introduced Olli, a driverless car that uses IBM Watson IoT Platform to analyze the massive volume of data that comes from the sensors embedded within the vehicle.

Watch this short video to see how the IBM Watson IoT for Automotive software bundle is being applied by those in the automotive industry:

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IBM Watson IoT for Automotive Solution (website)

By 2020, just 4 short years from now,Gartner says that there will be a quarter billion connected cars.  Obviously, the automotive industry is not just tinkering with the IoT, theyre all in!  Back in 2014, the General Manager of IBMs Global Automotive Industry group suggested that connected cars will be the ultimate Internet of Things in a Wired magazine post, Whats Next? V2V (Vehicle-to-Vehicle) Communication With Connected Cars.  The Internet of Things Institute includes connected cars in their list of the10 Most Important IoT Trends of 2016. Actually they included self-driving cars, the ultimate connected car, in their list.  Whether thecars are connected or driverless, many automotive companies are getting in on the game and relying on real-time data streaming from these connected cars.

Operating Systems & IT Infrastructure(4)

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