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Until recently, search results on most of the 3rd-party sites quickly yielded from highest price to lowest price. But something has changed over the last several months. Algorithms are now in charge.

RefreshFridays On the lot and in the forums and LIVE on Facebook

On the biggest 3rd-party sites the default sort was, until recently, from highest price to lowest price. Now everything has changed. Algorithms are now in charge. Make sure you are giving the algo what it wants

Are your SEOs and Website Providers doing this for you? How To Optimize For Voice Search And Siri The Definitive Guide to Voice Search: How to Beat Your Competitors to the Punch… Are you optimizing your content for Voice Search?

We realize its the end/beginning of the month, BUT this is one RefreshFriday that will give you the insight you need to answer ANY & ALL questions related to Virtual Reality.

Thats what is going through my mind as Im seeing these new pricing compliance rules and seeing some of them actually in the flesh.  I hear Honda has pushed this too and Hyundai is switching to this model soon.

Alex was born into the car business. His family owns a group of stores in Virginia where he held a multitude of positions since he first cut the grass there in 1989. DealerRefresh caught his attention in 2006 and he has been a part of the community ever since. In 2010 Alex joined to help put a dealers spin on products; where he got a front row seat to converse with over 13,000 dealers and watch 2 acquisitions totaling over $5 Billion. Today, Alex lives in Vermont and works to make DealerRefresh amazing!


Obstacles, Observations and Opinions of an Automotive Internet Sales & Marketing Manager

Join us every Friday onFacebookLive at 1PM EST. Miss a previous show?Subscribe to our YouTubefor our recorded (and edited) sessions.

Car Dealers; How to optimize your used car inventory for third-party sites

3. Why do customers call dealers anyways?

5. Why dealers only get the appointment 36% of time

Join the discussion Lots of comments are coming in!!

Im the founder of DealerRefresh. I got my start in the dealer business when I was 18. From there Ive worked throughout several departments within fixed to variable ops. Whether its managing the desk, perfecting sales process or studying online marketing and media trends, I absolutely love this business and the challenges it brings. On top of keeping up with DealerRefresh, I consult with dealerships and key industry businesses. My passion has been and continues to be helping dealers leverage new media to sell and improve customer service.

Visit our forum for more interesting discussionsDealerRefresh Forums

Note: This is a work in progress, in no way is it a final research work. Grab a cup of coffee and feel free to add or challenge what you see. Summary: The Big Classified Sites are in a face-ripping SEM war. CarGurus aggressive SEM work is noteworthy Dealer SEM… Its a War out there… []

Now thatWordPress is the backbone to over 1/3rd of the InternetI have to believe it is much more robust than what dealers get from the non-Wordpress CMS systems out there like: CDK, Reynolds, , DealerOn, etc.

60% of small business (guessing dealers are not included) do NOT offer online booking / scheduling. Google Duplex believes they have a solution with AI.

Be sure to join us every Friday onFacebookLive at 1PM EST. Miss a previous show?Subscribe to our YouTube channelOR join the DealerRefresh Forums and start watching right away!!

Stick around til the end.We have a series of FUN questions to ask Mike.

Categories:Best PracticesOperationsProcesses

Its a War out there… A SEM war!

7. and whatever else we want to talk about

Stick around til the end.We have a series of FUN questions to ask Nick

Shaun has a unique perspective and philosophy on the future of how dealers will be working with their customers. Were going to explore this and talk about some of the impediments currently blocking dealers from achieving a better customer experience.

Are you optimizing your content for Voice Search?

In this episode of RefreshFriday Ed Brooks AND Jasen Rice join us for an in-depth conversation around optimizing your inventory for the some of the LARGEST search engines in our industry 3rd-party sites i.e. , Autotrader, CarGurus etc.

Dealer-FX has been popping on my radar lately. A few friends are checking it out and then asking me what I think. Other than a short peak during my Dealertrack days, when we were discussing acquisitions, I havent spent much time getting to know this service solution…. Dealer-FX anyone using it?

Join us today at 1PM EST. Live on Facebook![Read more]

The month of May has been declaredNational Fix the Phones Month, for the automotive industry. Mike Markette joins us on thisRefreshFridayto discuss FIXING THE PHONES!!

Join us every Friday onFacebookLive at 1PM EST.

As the reality of a slower market is setting-in across automotive showrooms throughout North America, panic decisions are starting to take place at a rapid pace. Instead of trusting in the people, partners, and processes that have worked for years, multiple issues are being addressed at once, with little thought given to how many small and interactive variables are being disrupted.[Read more]

Im curious as to what Dealer Inspire and Dealer Venom clients think of having so much power and flexibility?

I make the contention that the 3rd-party sites are the most important search engines for used car shopping. Heres how to optimize your listings.

How is life as a car dealer on WordPress?

Join us tomorrow RefreshFridayWIFF NIFF  Shaun NIFF Kniffin of the Germain Motor Company as we discuss the Future of Customer Experience Register NOW!

4. Why cant your managers coach?

Though I rarely have time to go to such things today, family reunions are a great place to hear stories about your relatives, some of which reach legendary status. As it so happens, one of my distant cousins was a Naval Aviator who got to fly the real star of Top Gun, the Grumman F-14 Tomcat. However, unlike other stories you might hear about heroics over the Persian Gulf or going supersonic during an airshow, my cousin did quite the opposite. He dumped a $38 million aircraft into the ocean.

2. Best practices for the Saturday morning call recording review

We handle all of our inventory photography inhouse. Our grounds lack a decent spot to shoot our vehicles away from other inventory and ugly parts of the facility. We are looking into assembling a photo area in an empty service bay. Im trying to keep this as high-speed, low-drag as… Setting up a Photo Booth

Is it even possible to optimize your inventory for better placement across the 3rd-party sites?

Stick around til the end.We have a series of FUN questions to ask Shaun

1. Some of the latest statistic from the CallRevu study

has it had any impact on your sales? Merrill Lynch said: Since 1928, the Standard & Poors 500a widely watched benchmark of U.S. large-cap companieshas dropped an average of 2.8% in presidential election years that dont include an incumbent seeking reelection…Click to expand… … This election is f^[emailprotected]d, but…

Ive been in the market for a car and have run into some fairly bad sites. Most of you probably already know, but there are still a ton of poorly designed, unusable websites, apps, plug-ins, etc. out there. It should help dealers actually, they should go to the 3rd party and make… Piss Poor User []

In this episode ofRefreshFridaywe sit down with one of the pioneers of implementing VR (virtual reality) into the dealership showroom Nick Cybela withFlowFound.

Join Jeff and Alex this Tuesday, June 5th, at 1:00 PM EST to learn how to grow your lease portfolio.  Honcker is one of the coolest startups we have seen in a while.  And we believe it is a no-brainer for any dealer that offers leases.

Join us LIVE on Facebook this Fridayon RefreshFriday and find out how VR will transform your dealership showroom

Im certainly appreciating my Toyota shopping today.  I love it when I need to give my name and email address to see the price of a product I want to buy.  In fact Im loving it so much that Im buying a Ford.

Although I wasnt in the Navy, one can easily imagine that its a complicated feat to launch a 60,000 pound aircraft off of the moving deck of a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. It takes the coordinated effort of thousands of people, not just the pilots and the sailors on the deck. All of these people have processes and procedures that must be followed to the letter to ensure that personnel doesnt get hurt, machinery doesnt get damaged, resources dont get squandered, and that support can reliably be delivered to fellow service people when in need. These actions grew out of much planning, iterative design, with careful trial and error, all measured with the keenest eye to detail,not a knee-jerk reaction.

Has anyone heard of Car Mail or used them? I have tried to find them online and am having no luck. Thank you!

What are the possibilities for our industry with such technology? Are are already seeing some of this with AI Chat.

Piss Poor User Experience / Usability

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