Internet of Electric Vehicles and Smart Grid

Dynamic spectrum access technologies for IoEV

Grid-based network and services for IoEV

National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan

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This Feature Topic (FT) aims to disseminate general ideas extracted from cutting-edge research results spanning multiple disciplines. Potential authors will be able to share various viewpoints and the newest findings from research and ongoing projects relevant to IoEV and smart grids. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

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Internet of vehicles has attracted much attention due to its network capability of storing, processing, and disseminating data generated from vehicles and infrastructure connected. Valuable information can be provided that facilitates various applications, including improved services and vehicle safety. Meanwhile, electric vehicles (EVs) are gradually replacing conventional vehicles, driven by the desire to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. To embrace the convenience of connectivity and appreciate low-carbon environments, we need to expedite the process of transition from Internet of vehicles to Internet of Electric Vehicles (IoEV). However, the increased number of EVs can substantially impact the underlying power grids because of the power loads induced by stochastic charging events. IoEV, serving as dynamic loads and energy storage devices, and the grid must work together and support each other.

Articles should be tutorial in nature, with the intended audience being all members of the communications technology community. They should be written in a tutorial style comprehensible to readers outside the specialty of the article. Mathematical equations should not be used (in justified cases up to three simple equations are allowed). Articles should not exceed 4500 words (from introduction through conclusions, excluding figures, tables and captions). Figures and tables should be limited to a combined total of six. The number of archival references is recommended not to exceed 15. In some rare cases, more mathematical equations, figures, and tables may be allowed, if well-justified. In general, however, mathematics should be avoided; instead, references to papers containing the relevant mathematics should be provided. Complete guidelines for preparation of the manuscripts are posted at. Please submit a PDF (preferred) or MSWORD formatted paper via Manuscript Central (). Register or log in, and go to Author Center. Follow the instructions there. SelectDecember 2018 / Internet of Electric Vehicles and Smart Gridas the Feature Topic category for your submission

Internet of Electric Vehicles and Smart Grid

IEEE Xplore Paper Submission Standards

Modeling and simulation for the interaction of grids and EVs

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University of British Columbia, Canada

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