IoT programming language choice

Java and C are the mainstream IoT programming languages, plus C++, Python, and JavaScript. This year, according to the survey, what kind of language developers use depends on the specific types of IoT, such as restricted devices, IoT gateways, and IoT cloud platforms. According to these categories, the choice of language depends on the goals of software development:

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On restricted devices, C (56.4%) and C++ (38.3%) became mainstream development languages. Followed by Java (21.2%) and Python (20.8%), and finally JavaScript (10.3%) used the least.
The development of IoT gateways resulted in a more diverse selection of languages, including Java (40.8%), C (30.4%), Python (29.9%), and C++ (28.1%). Occasionally, JavaScript and Node.js will be used.
Based on the IoT cloud platform development, Java (46.3%) ranked first, followed by JavaScript (33.6%), Node.js (26.3%), and Python (26.2%). Not surprisingly, the use of C (7.3%) and C++ (11.6%) dropped significantly.

Overall, IoT solution development requires programming skills in multiple languages. The specific language corresponds to the specific scenario application. The
The mainstream operating system is Linux, Raspbian and Ubuntu rank one or two

Linux remains the main operating system for IoT. Among the restricted devices, Linux accounted for 44.1%, and on the IoT gateway, Linux accounted for 66.9%. The

The Raspbian (45.5%) and Ubuntu (44.%) usage rates in the Linux distribution ranked second.


If Linux is the primary operating system for IoT, is there an alternative IoT operating system? In recent years, there has been a significant increase in Windows. In addition, the use of FreeRTOS and Contiki has also grown. The
Amazon, Microsoft, Google Become Hot IoT Cloud Platform

Amazon (42.7%) continued to be the leading IoT cloud platform, followed by Microsoft Azure (26.7%) and Google Cloud Platform (20.4%). A major change this year is the decline in the use of private/on-premises clouds, which fell from 34.9% in 2016 to 18.4% in 2017. This means that the IoT cloud platform is now more mature.

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