Microsoft scores cloud partnership with GEs Predix IoT platform marking first step in broad strategic collaboration

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The collaboration between GE and Microsoft could boost Azures stature in the IoT realm. When GEannouncedPredix, in August 2015, it apparently intended to build its own cloud service, not to partner. Todays announcement is a high-profile partnership for Microsofts Azure cloud computing platform as the Redmond company competes with Amazon, Google and others in cloud services.

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covers cloud technology, developer tools and enterprise software for GeekWire. He has been covering the news for more than 25 years, including a decade at the Seattle Post-Intelligencer and writing for MSNBC and private newsletters. Reach him nd follow .

Microsofts Satya Nadella and GEs Jeff Immelt at Microsofts Worldwide Partner Conference in Toronto this morning. (Microsoft Photo.)

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GeekWire Cloud Tech Summit, June 27

Microsoft and General Electric this morning said they will make GEs Predix platform for the Internet of Things (IoT) available for industrial businesses on Microsofts Azure cloud service. It will be available through AppSource, the repository of apps from Microsoft and its partnersannouncedlast week.

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A developer preview is set for released toward the end of this year, and Predix on Azure will be commercially available by the second quarter of 2017, the companies said.

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Microsoft scores cloud partnership with GEs Predix IoT platform, marking first step in broad strategic collaboration

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GE and Microsoft said they plan to integrate Predix with Azure IoT Suite and Cortana Intelligence Suite, along with Microsoft business applications such as Office 365, Dynamics 365 and Power BI, in order to connect industrial data with business processes and analytics.

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Tagged With:AzureGEJeff ImmeltSatya NadellaWorldwide Partner Conference

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The move marks the first step in a broad strategic collaboration between the two companies, which will allow customers around the world to capture intelligence from their industrial assets and take advantage of Microsofts enterprise cloud applications, the companies saidin a news release.

New partnership between Apple and GE another sign the industrial internet is getting real

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GeekWire Cloud Tech Summit, June 27

byDan RichmanonJuly 11, 2016 at 7:33 amJuly 11, 2016 at 7:48 am

Cloud and developer technology, delivered weekly

Our idea is open Predix, and hopefully many of you will open it up and build on it, said Jeff Immelt, GEs chairman and CEO, during a short interview with Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella at the Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference in Toronto.  We bring a marriage between analytics and physics that the company hopes will achieve objectives such as no unplanned downtime, a phenomenon that costs tens of billions of dollars in productivity, he said.

Predix is PaaS (platform as a service) claimed to enable industrial-scale analytics for asset performance management and operations optimization by providing a standard way to connect machines, data, and people.

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