New Research IoT Platforms Devices and Identity Management

How do I limit the exposure associated with intelligent, API-driven devices?

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New Research: IoT Platforms, Devices and Identity Management

Application (API-level) authentication

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What are the core capabilities I should look for in an IoT platform? What capabilities will I need in the future?

Gartner just publishedmy latest research note. It focuses on the intersection of the IoT platform and identity managementfor both devices and users. This note attempts to answer some popular questions from our clients, including:

byMark DiodatiNovember 2, 2017Comments Offon New Research: IoT Platforms, Devices and Identity Management

If the topic interests you, Id love to hear your feedback on the research note.

How can I counteract the risks of connecting to devices and gateways that I dont own manage?

Key IAM Considerations for IoT Platforms(Gartner subscription required)

The note compares the platforms across many capabilities, including:

How do I establish and maintain device trustworthiness? Before you can rely upon the data generated by the device, you must be able to trust it.

New Research: IoT Platforms, Devices and Identity Management

Identity management capabilities for seven of the most popular IoT platforms are assessed:

for platform management and orchestration.

The note also assesses the two different device personalization processes (factory and field), and the best use cases for both.

, including device certificate management, OAuth, OpenID Connect and SAML support

Mark Diodati is a Research Vice President with Gartners IT Professionals research and advisory service. His focus topics include IoT, IaaS, authentication, hybrid and cloud identity, and API identity service (e.g., OAuth, OpenID Connect and SCIM).Read Full Bio

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