Predix Platform

California Transparency in Supply Chain

Revolutionizing industry together with Schindler

Predix Platform: The Foundation for Digital Industrial Applications

Connect, optimize, and scale your industrial applications on Predix Platform

A scalable, asset-centric data foundation is critical to the success of industrial applications. By harnessing the power of your industrial data, you can unlock new insights and new value across your operations. Predix Platform is a comprehensive and secure application platform to run, scale, and extend digital industrial solutions. The platform delivers shared capabilities that industrial applications require: asset connectivity, edge technologies, analytics and machine learning, big data processing, and asset-centric digital twins.

Build once and deploy anywhere. Designed as a distributed application platform, Predix Platform is optimized for high volume, low latency, and integration-intensive data management and analytics-driven outcomes. For application owners, this translates into improved processes, lower costs, and reduced risk.

Heavy Industry Equipment Manufacturing

Derek Fischer, Regional Work Coordinator at Exelon Colorado Bend Energy Center, shares how Exelon is improving reliability and increasing availability with Predix Platforms machine learning and analytic capabilities.

Running a more reliable power plant with Exelon

Schindler implemented Predix Platform to better connect equipment, leverage advanced analytics and machine learning capabilities, and keep its equipment running smoothly and securely.

Operational excellence requires a single source of truth about each asset (machine), a fleet of assets, or a collection of assets that deliver production-level outcomes. At its core, Predix Platform is asset centric. Digital twins codify this information to reflect past conditions, current conditions, and future predictions on those assets. Applications leverage this to deliver maintenance and equipment health, predictive maintenance, and operations optimization.

Industrial operations generate massive amounts of data. The challenge comes from extracting value from that data at the right time, and in the right place. Predix Platform is comprised of two stacks that work together. Applications can use these to run workloads at the edge, in the cloud, or anywhere in between. This allows you to connect to assets, ingest data, perform analysis, and gather intelligence where its needed.

Many data science projects lack asset-centric analytics to derive the datas true valueintelligent decision making. Predix Platform provides a rich, industrial-grade analytics library and framework to create machine learning analytics tailored to digital twin and applications. When applied to IoT data streams, edge and cloud-based analytics can detect anomalies, direct prescriptive controls, signal predictive maintenance alerts, and more.

Heavy Industry Equipment Manufacturing

Industrial application development can be a daunting task. Research shows that most efforts exceed budget and schedules. Predix Platform offers two development environments. Full stack developers with skills building microservices oriented apps will access Predix Platform building blocks in our full stack, high control environment. Coding novices will appreciate the low code, high productivity environment/4GL of Predix Studio for rapid app development.

At the moment that data leaves an asset, ensuring its availability, validity, and integrity is of primary concern. Predix Platform is secure by design. Built with defense-in-depth across every layer, and continuously monitored, Predix Platform security addresses the security of the platform itself, the applications it powers, the software development process, and the security of data that flows through the platform. Predix Platform provides capabilities such as two-party encryption and supports end-to-end chain of custody reporting for code and data.

Predix Operations Performance Management

Predix Asset Performance Management

Predix Operations Performance Management

Interested in developing IIoT apps on Predix?

Predix Platform

Predix Platform: The Foundation for Digital Industrial Applications

Predix Asset Performance Management

Industrial data is growing twice as fast as any other sector. Yet today, the majority of data reside in silos and remains largely unexplored. Predix Platform includes a rich data fabric built for industrial applications to ingest virtually any streaming/batch data. This means you can apply analytic workloads using standard, in-memory, or a serverless runtime engines as well as a full range of structured and unstructured big data storage options.

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