PSG Software Technologies

Integrate with existing Hospital Information Systems and Data Stores and help build software for wearables and sensor integration.

Exceprts from the Speech by Mr. N R Narayana Murthy at Lal Bahadhur Sastry Institute of Management

with the market through continuous innovation and renovation. This helps / expects people in the organization to stay in the right technology spectrum.

We continue to rationalize our failures. No other society has mastered this part as well as we have. Obviously, this is an excuse to justify our incompetence, corruption, and apathy. This attitude has to change.

PSG Software Technologies engineers products that are

PSG started Sarvajana school in 1921 to impart education to youth across all communities when people had to travel too far to attend a school. In 1926, when machines were needed, Industrial The list continues and in the last 90 years, PSG has crossed several milestones staying relevant to the needs of society to bring in a positive impact. We all understand and experience the impact of technology in our every day life and in every discipline and how Software is getting into everything we touch, we see, we speak, we hear, we feel (emotions and gestures) and we think (augmented intelligence and machine learning).

An initiative from PSG to stay relevant in this technology era

Dignity of labor is an integral part of the Western value system. In the West, each person is proud about his or her labor that raises honest sweat. On the other hand, in India, we tend to overlook the significance of those who are not in professional jobs. We have a mind set that reveres only supposedly intellectual work.

In this era we are not competing with humans. The fact is we are competing with tireless connected machines generating variety, volume and velocity of data and also the newer generation of machines that can learn, think and gesture similar to humans. We have a responsibility to outclass, outsmart and control the machines with our work. To stay relevant, reliable and sustainable, the team in PSG Software Technologies continuously and consistently

Strive and deliver solutions of high quality with passion

In 1926, our forefathers established Industrial Institute at PSG as they felt metals in machines will move the world. Now, we feel that minds in machines in the form of Software Technologies will run the world and get us the required growth.

The primary difference between the West and us is that, there, people have a much better societal orientation. They care more for the society than we do. Further, they generally sacrifice more for the society than us. Quality of life is enhanced because of this. This is where we need to learn from the West. In the West, there is respect for the public good. For instance, parks free of litter, clean streets, public toilets free of graffiti all these are instances of care for the public good. On the contrary, in India, we keep our houses clean and water our gardens everyday but, when we go to a park, we do not think twice before littering the place.

The Indian Standard Time somehow seems to be always running late. Moreover, deadlines are typically not met. How many public projects are completed on time? The disheartening aspect is that we have accepted this as the norm rather than the exception. In the West, they show professionalism by embracing meritocracy. Meritocracy by definition means that we cannot let personal prejudices affect our evaluation of an individuals performance. As we increasingly start to benchmark ourselves with global standards, we have to embrace meritocracy.

Design solutions for a huge recession-free market space where technology plays an increasingly pivotal role.

in terms of operations through adoption of lean principles, efficient automations and a scalable organization design with clear allocation of roles and responsibilities devoid of redundancy and too many inter-dependencies. This helps / expects people in the organization to employ right set of tools, techniques and practices that are operationally efficient.

Leverage all the latest technologies in the SMAC (Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) stack and empower all stakeholders of HEIs.

Technology is getting into everything we touch, see, speak, hear, feel (emotions and gestures) and think (augmented intelligence and machine learning). PSG Software Technologies was born to unleash the potential of technology in this digital age.

Bring out innovative solutions from the IoT, analytics and mobile platforms for better healthcare services.

PSG Software Technologies is a Software Product Development Organizaton of PSG & Sons Charities Trust

The short- and medium-term goals of PSG Software Technologies consist of bringing out integrated solutions in the fields of Education and Healthcare.

Leverage expertise of academia, students and alumni to build a product line-up which satisfies the unmet needs of HEIs, today and tomorrow.

In the West, right from a very young age, parents teach their children to be independent in thinking. Thus, they grow up to be strong, confident individuals. In India, we still suffer from feudal thinking. I have seen people, who are otherwise bright, refusing to show independence and preferring to be told what to do by their boss. We need to overcome this attitude if we have to succeed globally…

PSG Software Technologies is vying to produce novel solutions across all Engineering disciplines where we have built our expertise through research and exploration.

Build end-to-end solutions catering to the needs of all stakeholders involved in Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs).

Another interesting attribute, which we Indians can learn from the West, is their accountability. Irrespective of your position, in the West, you are held accountable for what you do. However, in India, the more important you are, the less answerable you are.

Founder Trustee, PSG Sons & CharitiesWhat We Do

ByArunkumar Krishnamoorthyon February 15 2017

Productive and efficient with business acumen

It is easy to dodge our responsibilities, but we cannot dodge the consequences of dodging our responsibilities.

ByAnand Sonachalamon September 26 2017

in terms of quality, effective engineering practices and robust customer support. This helps / expects people in the organization to be highly passionate with every piece of work that they take up to deliver results with highest quality by employing professional practices consistently.

PSG Software Technologies

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