Ubuntu for the Internet

Ubuntu for the Internet

The software collaboration platform behind Ubuntu

A standard way to deploy and operate cloud software like Hadoop, Spark, OpenStack and Kubernetes.

Cloud-init – customise cloud instances

Ultra-fast and light Wayland compositor for secure device display management

Canonical Distribution of Kubernetes

Industrial gateways and controllers

With ROS and snapcraft, its easy to enable apps on robots and drones, creating new ecosystems and business models.

Leading brands choose Ubuntu Core for security,appsandupdates

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Learn more about the Dell Edge Gateway

MicroK8s – single node k8s for devs

Systems management for Ubuntu – updates, package management, repositories, security, and regulatory compliance dashboards

Automate everything from development to production.

Create a bare metal cloud with Metal as a Service for IPAM and provisioning

The leading OS for digital signage

Moving towards a software defined IoT business model

The most popular server Linux in the cloud and data centre, you can rely on Ubuntu Server and its five years of guaranteed free upgrades.

Minimal Ubuntu for containers

The worlds first choice for OpenStack – the leader in density and cost per VM

Run pre-K8s apps in LXD containers

Tutorials cover a wide range of topics. Learn or teach something new to Ubuntu users.

Enterprise support service to manage and add value to your Ubuntu deployment

Installation guides forUbuntu DesktopandUbuntu Server

The mission of Ubuntu is to bring the benefits of free software to the widest possible audience.

IoT Security at Scale: Managing end-to-end security

You can learn how totry Ubuntu before you install

Easy to integrate, easy to operate, the Samsung Artik range of IoT modules enable rapid prototyping and a fast path to production across a range of power and performance.

Install K8s workstations

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Azeti Networks is a global provider of IoT technology to companies from telecommunications to manufacturing, finance and healthcare. Azeti chose Ubuntu Core for improved operations and security.

Burn a DVD onUbuntu,mac os, orWindows. Create a bootable USB stick onUbuntu,mac os, orWindows

Read the official docs forUbuntu Desktop,Ubuntu Server, andUbuntu Core

Ubuntu and Kubernetes from Canonical provide perfect multi cloud portability for your artificial intelligence and machine learning workloads.

Ubuntu images on public clouds

MAAS – fast server provisioning

Funguides and HOWTOscovering Ubuntu cloud, desktop, server, community, IoT, packaging and more.

Canonical provides 24/7 enterprise support, security, and break-fix engineering for Ubuntu, OpenStack, Docker and Kubernetes. Enterprise Linux done right.

Canonical works with Google GKE and Azure AKS for app portability between private and public infra

Deploy, configure, scale and operate your software on public and private clouds

Robots and drones, rocking UbuntuCore

The best Linux platform for modern cloud and IoT development.

Secure, embedded Ubuntu Core

Rich networking and protocol support make Ubuntu Core the perfect choice for your industrial gateways. Create the next wave of industrial control and intelligence with Ubuntu Core.

Download Ubuntu desktop and replace your current operating system whether its Windows or Mac OS, or, run Ubuntu alongside it.

Ubuntu is available viaBitTorrentsand via a minimalnetwork installerthat allows you to customise what is installed, such as additional languages. You can also findolder releases.

The worlds most popular Linux for servers, desktops and things, with enterprise support and enhanced security by Canonical

64-bit ARM boards bring high-end performance to the low-power segment, enabling a new class of drones and mobile intelligence.

Canonical supports Ubuntu for clouds, data centers and devices

Build a secure Ubuntu based kiosk

Test CentOS apps on Ubuntu with LXD

Canonical delivers the leading Kubernetes distribution and provides workshops, training, deployment and consulting services. On VMware, cloud, OpenStack and bare metal.

AeroLion Technologiess UAVs are undertaking tasks autonomously and helping to inspect areas that were previously unreachable, either due to extreme or dangerous conditions or because the area is geographically inaccessible.

A small footprint and full OpenGL with reliable updates across a diverse range of hardware make Ubuntu Core a perfect platform for millions of digital signs.

Ubuntu Core is an all-snap version of Ubuntu. A snap is a secure, easily upgraded, universal Linux package for an app and all its dependencies. Snaps are:

In this webinar, Nextcloud founder, Frank Karlitschek, describes the creation of the Nextcloud box, a secure self-hosted cloud that lets consumers take control of their personal data.

Apply critical kernel security fixes without rebooting

A single secure package and auto-update system for Ubuntu, Debian, Arch, Centos, Amazon Linux

Juju for standardised operations

Install K8s clouds and clusters

Snapcraft at Europython 2018

Learn about developing with Ubuntu Core

Find new ways to experience Ubuntu, each with their own choice of default applications and settings.

Use headless Ubuntu Server, or Ubuntu Core for embedded appliance security.

Learn how to build or port apps for the next generation of Ubuntu.

Regular updates for the operating system and apps defend devices from ongoing attacks, addressing security issues automatically. Update Control ensures that changes are certified by manufacturers or ISVs. When a single security flaw can compromise millions of devices, or a bad update require a product recall, robust platform assurances provide confidence in the integrity of critical infrastructure.

Are you a developer who wants to try snappy Ubuntu Core or classic Ubuntu on an IoT board?

Todays devices are defined by software. Ubuntu is the worlds most widely trusted Linux for developers, providing the talent and tools to grow your app store and ecosystem.

If you are already running Ubuntu – you canupgradewith the Software Updater

Make robots with app stores

Receive regular updates from our IoT newsletter.

Model-driven multi-cloud operations for applications. On-premise or on-cloud SAAS app store, with big data, k8s and openstack solutions

© 2018 Canonical Ltd. Ubuntu and Canonical are registered trademarks of Canonical Ltd.

Ubuntu delivers hardware acceleration on Nvidia for all clouds and bare metal.

Deliver your app to millions of Ubuntu users, servers and devices.

From home control to drones, robots and industrial systems, Ubuntu Core provides robust security, app stores and reliable updates. Ubuntu makes development easy, and snap packages make Ubuntu Core secure and reliable for widely distributed devices.

The UP Squared Grove IoT Development Kit is a high performance board and sensors pack that provides a clear path to production, simple set up and configuration with pre-installed Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and IoT libraries.

Snaps allow developers to build and deploy applications in a format thats easily portable and upgradeable across a number of IoT devices so that a cognitive relationship between the cloud and the edges of the network can be established.

Easily configure your networks using Netplan, a YAML network configuration abstraction for various backends

Manage, deploy, and monitor your Ubuntu servers

Did you find what you were looking for?

Multipass – Ubuntu on MacOS

Canonical is the leading provider of managed OpenStack. We help design, build and operate your cloud, and train your team to take over.

Summon up a big-software stack as a spell using conjure-up to get you a fully installed and usable stack

Apply user data to your instances automatically

The Dell Edge Gateway range bring familiar X86 robust connectivity to the industrial market, making it easy to create and manage diverse industrial control systems for static and mobile applications.

In submitting this form, I confirm that I have read and agree toCanonicals Privacy NoticeandPrivacy Policy.

A pure-container hypervisor. Replace legacy app VMs with containers for speed and density

Design and Web team summary 13 August 2018

For fun, for education and for profit, the RPi makes device development personal and entertaining. With support for both the Pi2 and the new Pi3, Ubuntu Core supports the worlds most beloved board.

Discourse is a meeting point for people who shape the direction of Ubuntu. We recommend you start there.

Use Ubuntu optimised and certified server images on most major clouds.

Hardened Ubuntu images on AWS, Google, KVM, VMware, MAAS, LXD

Talk to us if you are thinking about using Ubuntu Core for your next Internet of Things project.

With Ubuntu Core, you can develop a packaged application on your laptop, then monetise it by publishing it directly to the snap store.

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