Vehicles Road Traffic

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Smartphone market share worldwide by vendor 2009-2018

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Facebook: number of monthly active users worldwide 2008-2018

Volkswagens EU share: new-car registrations in April 2018

Number of paying Spotify subscribers worldwide 2010-2018

Global market share held by smartphone operating systems 2009-2018, by quarter

World coffee per capita consumption: major consumer countries

Automotive manufacturing industry in the United Kingdom

National Basketball Association all-time scoring leaders 1946-2018

More interesting topics from the industry Vehicles & Road Traffic

Sales and employment figures at a glance

Volume of car engines produced in the United Kingdom (UK) 2013-2017

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Revenue of Starbucks worldwide from 2003 to 2017

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In this section, Statista presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to vehicles and road traffic.

The automobile is one of the most comfortable and popular conveyances for transporting passengers. Its invention is largely credited to the German engineer Carl Benz. His Patent-Motorwagen is widely regarded as the worlds first motor-powered car. Fitted with a four-stroke internal combustion engine, the vehicle was awarded a patent in 1886, some twenty years before Henry Fords mass-manufactured Model T made its way onto the streets. Since then, the automobile has come a long way. Today, it is normal for cars to have Internet access, and a growing number ofelectric vehiclesis connected to the power grid. Europe, China and the United States are counted among the most important automobile markets today, both in terms of production and sales. Toyota,Volkswagenand General Motors are the worlds leading automakers.Picture: / henrik5000

Number of restaurants in the U.S. 2011-2017

Volkswagen Diesel Scandal: U.S. Focus

Vegetable oils: global consumption by oil type 2013/14 to 2017/2018

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Twitter: number of monthly active users 2010-2018

Smartphone users in India 2015-2022

Revenue of the cosmetic industry in the U.S.

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Automotive Industry in the MENA region

Market share of leading carbonated beverage companies worldwide

Trend in new passenger car registrations in Europe 2018

National Football League: Super Bowl wins by team 2018

Manufacturing: Automotive Industry in the U.S. 2017

The most important classes of road vehicles include cars, commercial vehicles and two-wheelers. Although sometimes equipped with three or more wheels, motorcycles, scooters andbicyclesare included in the two-wheeler category. In this segment, it is particularly the powered two-wheelers that are becoming increasingly popular, especially in urban regions. Harley-Davidson, Polaris and Piaggio are among the largest companies in this field. Commercial vehicles are often grouped into eight different types, ranging from Class 1 light duty trucks to Class 8 heavy duty haulers. Thelargest truck manufacturersinclude Daimler, Dongfeng, Tata, Volvo and Paccar.

Motorcycle industry in the United Kingdom

Big Mac index – global prices for a Big Mac 2018

Gasoline-powered vehicles in the United States

Retail price of gasoline in the United States 1990-2017

Global all time unit sales of Call of Duty franchise games as of January 2018

Number of apps available in leading app stores 2018

Advertising spending in the U.S. 2015-2021

Total number of Nike retail stores worldwide 2009-2017

Average ticket price for an NFL game by team

EUs best-selling car brands: new registrations in 2018

Facebook: number of monthly active users worldwide 2008-2018

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Revenue and financial key figures of Coca-Cola 2009-2017

Automotive Industry in China: Manufacturing

Number of World of Warcraft subscribers

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Mobile phone users worldwide 2013-2019

Passenger car sales in Germany 2004-2017

Cocoa bean production worldwide 2012/2013-2016/2017, by country

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Smartphone market share worldwide by vendor 2009-2018

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Number of apps available in leading app stores 2018

Automotive Industry in China: Imports and Exports

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Automotive Industry in the Asia-Pacific Region

U.S. highway and street construction industry gross output 2003-2016

Average daily rate of hotels in the U.S. from 2001 to 2017

Number of Starbucks locations worldwide 2003-2017

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Automotive Industry in China: Sales

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Big Mac index – global prices for a Big Mac 2018

Electric vehicle industry in the Netherlands

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Long-distance bus market in Germany

FIFA world ranking of mens national soccer teams 2018

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