We help clients unlock value by digitizing the physical world

Anyway Wireless Communications AB partners up with Axelerate

We help you to understand your current baseline and areas of improvement opportunities. We provide the tools to enable automated and continuously improved production, efficiency and availability.

We help clients unlock value by digitizing the physical world

Axelerate and our partners helps you digitize and transform your business to become smart and connected, moving towards services and solutions. Axelerate IoT enables new business models and revenue streams.

Improve operational and strategical efficiency by optimizing your business processes and performance.

Building a future proof connected business need a strategy. Axelerate has more than 15 years of experience in this area. Let us help you to create and build a profitable and future proof sustainable connected business.

Analyze and transform your operational data into valuable business insight, which create improvement opportunities.

DataStax put spotlight on Axelerate IoT

Were passionate about technology, but we truly think that a connected business strategy should be customer and business driven. Were proud to be one of the few to provide an IoT Platform fully made for business optimization.Axelerate IoT Platform

We help clients unlock value by digitizing the physical world

We make your business smart by connecting your products to Internet. Axelerate provides an IoT business platform in the cloud, which makes it possible to dramatically reduce the time for delivery of IoT solutions.

Axelerate Solutions takes in Wintel as investor

Making your products smart and connected enables remote monitoring, control and operational data collection.

If you are already connected but is not yet fully leveraging on the the data from your smart devices. Connect your data to Axelerate IoT Analytics and let us help you with the business development needed to invent new revenue streams, optimizing your enterprise performance.

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