What are some of the open source projects in IoT? – Quora

Does Quora have any open source projects?

Worldwide: Transmission of IPv6 Packets over Bluetooth Low Energy draft

What was the first Open Source project?

, I believe in IoT, 6LoWPAN and open standards. Wireless is my mission – since more than 25 years

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Every dish washer, washing machine or fridge

, IoT and Cloud solutions Architect

Thingsboardis relatively new open-source IoT platform for data collection, processing, visualization, and device management. You can deploy it in the cloud or on-premises.

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embedded application–in, for example, 32K of flash memory, using

Open source philosophy has made great contribution to reduce the user threshold and promote IoT to become prevalent in our lives.

Is LiveNode an open source project?

, M.S. Computer Science, Xian Jiaotong University (2015)

(connect a large range of connected products)

The IPv6 address range is 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456

Every sensor at your home like a temperature sensor

wirelessly. Extreme low power (such that they will run potentially for

(agile,cool and clear projects proposition)

Machinepulse, a platform for operational intelligence, Device Management, Analytics, Machine Learning from connected sensors, devices and machines leveraging BigData and Cloud Computing

the required code–MAC, IP and anything else needed to execute the

based on wireless technologies. Most (but certainly not all) of these

, studied at Georgia Institute of Technology). The community edition is open source and offers a complete framework for dealing with IoT data. There are many ways of connecting to devices out of the box and APIs for implementing your own protocols and data formats. Device event data is stored in massively scalable HBase storage (or MongoDB for smaller installations). The platform provides REST services for accessing data and allows you to integrate device data with external platforms such as Mule and Apache Solr. In addition, SiteWhere is a complete device management solution with the ability to specify unlimited hardware configurations, create devices based on them, and assign devices to assets (people, hardware, locations) based on pluggable asset modules. SiteWhere makes it easy to have a complete IoT solution whether you want to run a local installation or in the cloud. For users that want more power, the enterprise edition offers many extra features such as real-time monitoring and advanced cluster management.

Where can I get to work in an open source project?

As one of Thingsboard authors, I can say that main project ideas are:

¿Cules son algunos proyectos de cdigo abierto en la IoT?

Every plug at house, every plug at TV, every plug at every device

Which technologies to use for the IP communication?One answer is 6LoWPAN

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What open source Firmware projects are there?

Here list part of the mainstream players for IoT including Open Source Hardware Platform, Open Source Operating System, Open Source Hardware Manufactures.

Up to a cardiac pacemaker in your body

years on batteries) and extreme low cost (total device cost in single

price point) are seen as essential enablers towards their deployment

* Significantly more devices than current local area networks

Other interesting projects to look at.

Can an open source project become commercial?

Quels sont les projets open source dans IoT?

(lightweight microservices architecture for developers)

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Smartthings, a smart home platformthings

Where can I get to work in an open source project?

There is great potential of IoT forecast and an ecosystem of IoT has been shaped last few years.The Gartner reportGartner Says 6.4 Billion Connected 2016forecasts 20.8 billion collections worldwide by 2020. And Mckinsey reportUnlocking the potential of the Internet of Things. A three layered rich ecosystem for IoT ecosystem has been built by variety of players including pioneers and giantsInternet of Things: Are We There Yet? (The 2016 IoT Landscape).

This mean approx. 6.67 x 10^27IP addresses per square meter on our globe

* Unobtrusive but very different user interface for configuration

Will we have enough IP addresses for all plugs and four persons living in the same house for any house on the globe?

in networks with the following characteristics:

(solid, in the market from almost 5 years)

Keen IO, a set of powerful APIs that allow you to collect, analyze, and visualize events from anything connected to the internet keen.io

What was the first Open Source project?

such as sensor (or transducer) networks, are increasingly being

, Full Stack Developer for Open Source IOT Platforms

Why should I open source my project?

* Severely limited code and ram space (e.g., highly desirable to fit

Is Just Speak an open-source project?

What open source Firmware projects are there?

Why should I open source my project?

digit dollars, and riding Moores law to continuously reduce that

What are some open-source IoT cloud software today?

Yes, there is a standard for the Internet of Things. The base is IP. Wi-Fi and Ethernet in our laptops, smartphones, tablets and a lot of more are already on IP. 6LoWPAN is just one more option to use IP for smart objects in the IoT.

Well-established fields such as control networks, and burgeoning ones

The platform is available under Apache 2.0 License so you can use it in both personal and commercial usage.

Is LiveNode an open source project?

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nodes are amongst the most constrained that have ever been networked

Worldwide: IEEE P1901.2 – Narrow Band Power Line Communications on Low Frequency (less than 500 kHz)

What are some of the open source projects in IoT?


What are some open-source IoT cloud software today?

(e.g., using gestures or interactions involving the physical world)

Is Just Speak an open-source project?

Why would a big company do open source projects?

Can an open source project become commercial?

Is this answer still relevant and up to date?

If you are talking about Open Source Cloud Platforms this is my short list.

I would underline how many projects claim to be Open Source, when this is not entirely true. Releasing an SDK or a Cloud Platform that cant be used for a commercial connected product (e.gSpark,Thinger) doesnt make them a real os solution (in my opinion).

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