D Incubating IoT Dreams

The I2D Incubator focusing primarily on Internet of Things based at Coimbatore Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore will be the first of its kind in India aimed at developing entrepreneurs who have a passion for IoT. This will enable better focussing of the activities including the selection of Mentors, Advisors and Best Practices etc.

The incubator will focus exclusively on IoT.

In the near future the Internet and wireless technologies will connect different sources of information such as sensors, mobile phones and cars in an ever tighter manner. The number of devices which connect to the Internet is seemingly exponentially increasing. These billions of components produce, consume and process information in different environments such as logistic applications, factories and airports as well as in the work and everyday lives of people. The society needs new, scalable, compatible and secure solutions for both the management of the ever more broad, complexly-networked Internet of Things, and also for the support of various business models.

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D Incubating IoT Dreams

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