IoT Platforms comparison Azure IoT Hub vs AWS IoT vs Watson IoT Foundation vs Sofia2 IoT

ARM mbed, Texas Instruments, Intel, Raspberry Pi, Arduino Uno

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Per-device/system token authentication, X.509 certificate, user/password

SaaS mode: paying related to data traffic and data storage

IoT Platforms comparison: Azure IoT Hub vs AWS IoT vs Watson IoT Foundation vs Sofia2 IoTPlatform

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This comparison article was published, back in 2015.

Introduce tus datos o haz clic en un icono para iniciar sesin:

Intel, ARM, Raspberry Pi, Arduino, Texas Instruments, Seeed, Cisco, BeagleBoard, Texas Instruments

Intel, Raspberry Pi, Freescale, Texas Instruments, MinnowBoard, BeagleBoard, Seeed,

Anlisis de Plataformas/Servicios IoT Cloud (Sofia2, FIWARE, Azure IoT, Watson IoT y ArtikCloud)

HTTP, MQTT, AMQP, JMS, OPC and custom protocols using Gateway Plugin

8 prioridades para el arquitecto del ecosistema de la SmartCity

Paying for IoT Hub unit, related to number of connected devices and messages per day.

Which is considering also the Watson IoT Platform on it:

Tabla comparativa Plataformas IoT: Azure IoT Hub vs AWS IoT vs Watson IoT Foundation vs Sofia2 IoTPlatform

C, NodeJS, Javascript, Arduino, Java, Python, iOS, Android

Azure IoT Hub vs. AWS IoT vs. IoT Foundation

IoT Platforms comparison: Azure IoT Hub vs AWS IoT vs Watson IoT Foundation vs Sofia2 IoTPlatform

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CPS-PSAP112. Tecnologa inteligente al servicio de las emergencias delciudadano

Taller IoT Sofia2: Modelo de datos. Ontologa. ThinKP (Parte1/4)

Notificarme los nuevos comentarios por correo electrnico.

Broadcom Marvell, Reneses, Texas Instruments, Microchip, Intel, Mediatek, Qualcomm, Seeed, BeagleBoard

We couldnt help ourselves from adding our Sofia2 IoT Platform, so the resulting comparison table is as follows:

After this first article, other updates where published, including:

Paying related to number of devices, data traffic and data storage.

Paying millions messages traffic (published from devices + delivered to devices)

And it is summarized in the following comparison chart:

Java, Javascript, C, NodeJS, iOS, Android, Python, .Net, Arduino

CPS-PSAP112. Intelligent technology at the service of the citizensemergencies

X.509 certificate client authentication, IAM Service, Cognito Service

HTTP, AMQP, MQTT and custom protocols using Protocol Gateway

In following posts we will share a detailed comparison between Sofia2 IoT Platform and these other platforms.

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