Silicon Valley And Detroit Are Battling Over The Future Of The Internet-Connected Car

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Examines the technical underpinnings and leading initiatives for bringing mobile into the car

To state the obvious: Cars are inherently mobile. Additionally, many of the activities people do in their cars listen to music, look up directions mesh nicely with popular app-mediated activities on mobile gadgets. Americans spend an average of1.2 hours a day traveling between locationsand American commuters spend an average of38 hours a year stuck in traffic.If mobile apps and Internet-based services can shoehorn their way into the in-car environment, that means a great opportunity to expand their ability to engage consumers, absorb their attention, and gather data.

Analyzes the three main ways to bring mobile products and services into cars

key facets of the app, including Internet access, and the car simply provides some tools to facilitate it(i.e., dashboard user interface, voice controls, speakers, jacks, and/or steering wheel-based controls). Currently,many in-dash automobile app suites in cars are nothing more than an interface that provides control over a Bluetooth or audio jack-connected smartphone.

Heres a brief overview of the prospects for the mobile car:

Integration is one of the three main ways to bring mobile products and services into cars:

A vertical stack of three evenly spaced horizontal lines.

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Five years from now, there will be over 60 million connected cars on the road globally, according to estimates from theGSMAand others.Car-focused telecom, hardware and software services will drive some 40 billion euros ($51 billion) in annual revenue by 2018. Pandora, for example,through one of its 23 partnerships with auto brands and eight partnerships with stereo manufacturers.

Connection is provided through external means, but the computing and delivery of the services is done within the car. For example, a Bluetooth or USB connection might link a cars navigation system to your phone-stored contact list, and from that moment forward a simple press of a button in the car would guide you to a friends house from any location. In this scenario, the car depends on the external device to gather Internet-based data.

Explores whether app usage in the car will be centered on the phone or in computing systems and connectivity embedded into the car

Silicon Valley And Detroit Are Battling Over The Future Of The Internet-Connected Car

The owners Internet-connected handset connects with vehicle-based hardware and computing systems. However,the mobile device drives

Looks at whether car companies will bring the war between Android and iOS into the car or if they will build their own Web-ready platforms

In anew reportfromBI Intelligence,we examine how Silicon Valley and Detroit are waging a war over consumer technology in the car. We explore the technical underpinnings and leading initiatives for bringing mobile into the car, analyze the three main ways to bring mobile products and services into cars, explore whether app usage in the car will be centered on the phone or in computing systems and connectivity embedded into the car, look at whether car companies will bring the war between Android and iOS into the car or if they will build their own Web-ready platforms, and detail what apps and services might stand to gain the most from in-car usage.

Connection and intelligence are baked into the car. The car houses the operating system, apps, and other services that will deliver the Internet-based mobile services to the user. A mobile device might sync with whatevers in the car, but external mobile gadgets arent essential to running the car-based apps. GM is moving in this direction with its new fleet of 4G ans of integration can be blended, and often are.

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Details what apps and services might stand to gain the most from in-car usage

There is already a sizable and growing mobile market in the car:

Perhaps the greatest potential for popular smartphone or tablet software and services is not in household appliances like TVs and refrigerators, or in wearable devices like wrist watches, but in cars.

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